Why Tourism

Tourism induces more consumption; Tourist wants to enjoy and experience to the fullest and bring back memories hence are inclined to do more and therefore consume more. So tourism becomes important by inducing consumption for related industries.
The Tourism industry provides an important impetus to growth in other sectors such as agriculture, transportation, retailing and manufacturing and is therefore seen as a key ingredient of economic development. It is one of the major foreign exchange earners and main growth sector for many countries especially developing countries that are rich in natural and cultural resources
USAC is no different when it comes to given you the opportunity to explode the world and learn about multiple cultures, while sponsoring and assisting various countries that depend on tourism as a way of life.
Let’s Work Together
United States of Africa Consultancy
340 Main Street, Suite 855 Worcester, MA 01608
E-Mail: usacjtl@gmail.com
Tel: 508-405-5008 / 508-762-9512