Mrs. Nadine Akissi ASSEMIEN
31 Lenox Ave, # 1
East Orange, NJ 07018
20 years of experience in Program/Project Management, Evaluation and Administration for Not for-Profit sectors and the United Nations; • Fluent in English, and French;• Excellent Interpersonal Skills, Government, NGOs, Sustainability, public policy and administration, strategic development, planning and oversight, •quantitative and qualitative research;• Project Management and Evaluation Experience;• Leadership, effective decision-making and conflict management, •Familiar with All Microsoft Office Applications; •Data Management, organizational efficiency, capacity building, training, advocacy and Fundraising. Natural leader who delivers a dedicated commitment to people in need, community development, child protection, education, gender equality, women and youth empowerment, and economic development for low-income families; Managed several Programs covering 8 Western and Central African countries as well as in the US.
Economist Officer, Intern 2013 – 2014
· Assisted in the organization of panel discussions and drafting summary reports on ECOSOC Special Meeting on Response to Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines
ï‚· Attended inter-governmental meetings of ECOSOC and the General Assembly, other relevant meetings, briefings, etc., on various economic and social issues and prepared summaries of their outcomes;
ï‚· Undertaken and completed various research on key strategic issues for ECOSOC including partnership opportunities in small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDGs) in preparing ECOSOC partnership forum, Sustainable cities, Situation in Haiti
ï‚· Assisted in the Branch's work on peacebuilding with regard to countries emerging from conflict, as well as on the Ad Hoc Advisory group on Haiti; Provided input to background notes
ï‚· Provided a summary of discussions during the 69th plenary meeting of the sixty-eighth session of the General Assembly: AGENDA ITEM 15: CULTURE OF PEACE
ï‚· Drafted various summary report's meetings
ï‚· Provided analysis comments on the draft concept note about ECOSOC-PCB joint meeting on "Agricultural Development and Youth Employment for Peace building'' and suggested possible panelists from Academia
International Consultant (Final Project Evaluation) 2011 – 2012
Conducted independent and final evaluation (determining the effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability) of the Development Account Project ROA-106 on “Enhancing National Capacities for the Effective Implementation of the United Nations Development Agenda and Assessment of Progress”. 17 developing countries from Africa, Asia, and Latino-America were involved.
Reviewed of all relevant project documents, including progress reports, Annual Ministerial Review reports, etc.
Assessed the performance and the impact of the program including, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability as well as any positive changes of the project
Suggested corrective recommendations to improve the quality and sustainability of the project
Administrative Assistant 2009 – 2010
UNDP, Regional Bureau of Africa New York, NY
· Assisted the Directory and the Chief of Management Unit in Administrative, Program and data management
Project Evaluation, Consultant 2007
Performed the final evaluation of Best Practices for the CIRCLE (Community-based
Innovations to Reduce Child Labor through Education) Program in Mali
Assessed the performance and the impact of the program including, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability as well as any positive changes of the program
Suggested corrective recommendations to improve the quality and sustainability of the program
National Consultant/Final Evaluation
UNDP, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire Office
Performed the final Evaluation of a micro finance program at the national level in Côte d'Ivoire for UNDP, Abidjan office, 2001
Reviewed all relevant project documents, including quarterly and annual reports;
Conducted focus groups with selected site beneficiaries, including women’s groups, families, individuals;
Conducted direct Interviews with project focal points and partners including financial institutions, private and government agency officials
Proposed some recommendations to improve the quality and sustainability of the program
Residential Assistant Director 2013-2018
Responsible to maintain program standards of operation and development for people of developmental disabilities
Overseen data management
Designed and overseen the implement of programs
Analyzed staff training needs and reinforce their capacities
Ensured that all programs’ goals are achieved
Created and maintain monthly budgets for the program
Data Management, developed budgeting goals
Ensured quarterly evaluation of job performance is completed according to agency standard
Completed performance evaluation for program staff
Ensured the integrity of program’s finances
Maintained appropriate human resources practices within the program
Program Manager 2008 – 2009
Responsible for designing Proposals, implementing and mentoring programs
Responsible for project operations; screening initial inquiries from potential client organizations
Deputy Representative 2002-2004
Overseen the implementation, Managed, Overseen, Monitored projects and supervised staff in the Abidjan office
Led 4 projects (CLASSE, AWLAE, EDDI, ONFARM) that are describing as follow:
CLASSE National Program Manager 2002- 2004
Responsibilities and Accomplishments:
Overseen the implementation of the Child Labor Alternatives through Sustainable Systems in Education project (CLASSE)
Ensured that the various technical, operational, financial and administrative needs of assigned country programs are met by managing and coordinating NGOs and liaising with other government support departments
Responsible for the overall financial of assigned country programs including preparation and review of donor (US Department Of Labor) budgets and monitoring their implementation
Overseen the field work in the target region; contracts with local grassroots organizations
Organized and built capacities of civil society, grassroots’ organizations (men’s groups, women’s groups and youth’s groups)
Provided training on gender mainstreaming for government agencies, NGOs and civil society involved in the project
Supervised literacy trainings for grassroots’ women
Conducted Need assessment through quantitative and qualitative research prior implementing project’s activities
Initiated round tables, seminars, press conference to develop Policy and raise Public Awareness on education and gender equality: Stakeholders including Donors, Government Agencies including US Embassy, Academic Institutes, United Nations Agencies, and grassroots’ Communities were involved
Interfaced with Government Ministries, Institutes, Multi-lateral and Bi-lateral organizations to gain support for project and positive policy environment
Supervised quantitative and qualitative research
Responsible for the national reporting activities
AWLAE National Program Manager 2000-2004
Responsibilities and Accomplishments:
Responsible for the implementation of the Program to empower women and to mainstream Gender in Ivory Coast (African Women Leaders in Agriculture and Environment: (AWLAE)
Responsible for the Program management including Governance, Management, Financial management and Planning
Initiated seminars to develop a policy to contribute empowering women: Definition of the important axes of development for the empowerment of rural women
Participated in reviewing, designing and implementing the National Action Plan of Women (PNAF)
Assisted in implementing Gender Units in Academy, Government’ Ministers
Performed trainings on gender mainstreaming, project planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluation to project partners (NGOs and Government agencies)
Advocated for the project through the development and participation in TV Broadcastings, media interviews and papers presentations
Responsible for the Reporting
ONFARM Country Program Coordinator 2000 -2003
Responsibilities and Accomplishments:
Overseen the ONFARM (Agricultural Resources Management Program to combat Poverty and Ensure food security and Nutrition) program activities in Ivory-Coast
Identified key partners to implement sub-projects including NGOs and Government agencies
Managed the project budget and finances operations
Provided economic development activities to women’s groups
Provided technical assistance and training to field agents as well as the members and managers of community based village groups, Rural Women’ cooperatives, NGOs, and CBOs on Micro-credit or micro-finances management
Provided trainings and workshops on gender, micro-finance, agricultural technologies, marketing, loans and credit, cooperative management for farmers leaders, government agencies and civil societies: for about 1000 rural women trained on literacy, cooperative management, accounting, and new technologies
Conducted and supervised field monitoring and evaluation of the project
Responsible for reporting of the National activities
Country Cluster Coordinator (West and Central Africa) 2001-2003
Responsibilities and Accomplishments:
Overseen the implementation of the scholarship and mentoring the Education for Development and Democracy Initiative (EDDI) Ambassadors’ Girls’ Scholarship program that covered eight (8) West and Central African countries (Senegal, Guinea, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Central Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali)
Responsible for technical assistance to more than 12 NGOs on projects management, budget and financial management to implement educational sub projects
Assisted with the conceptualization and development of overall program activities
Assisted partners’ agencies with the education project designing, budgeting, grants management and reporting
Interfaced with US Country Ambassadors for the program implementation
National Program Officer 2004 – 2006
Ensured that the various technical, operational, financial and administrative needs of assigned country programs are met by managing and coordinating NGOs and liaising with other government support departments
Lead and Monitored project operations and supervised staff in the Abidjan office for the West African cocoa/commercial agriculture to combat child labor (WACAP)
Responsible for the overall financial of assigned country programs including preparation and review of donor (US Department Of Labor and World Cocoa Foundation) budgets and monitoring their implementation
Managed RFP and sub-granting processes to implement activities properly
Overseen the planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluation of the WACAP sub-grantees
Performed capacity building to the implementing partners and government agencies to address child labor issues and education in Ivory-Coast. About 800 people have been trained
Provided Policy Advice, technical assistance to Government and NGOs in analyzing and reinforcing public policies on education, and child protection strategies: government decree on the list of hazardous works forbidden to children under 18 was developed and promoted as well as non-formal schools in remote cocoa farming areas.
Provided relevant supports to Government’s Education Policies for Children and Youth through formal and vocational schools and trainings. About 700 children were supported
Advocated for the project through development and participation in TV Broadcastings, media interviews and papers presentations
"An approach to Development in the Saïoua Area by Empowering Women"
Conference on Globalization, Liberalization and the Role of Women in African Development in the 21st Century, Wake Forest University, North Carolina, USA, September 6th to 8th 2002
"The role of rural women in the socio-economic development in Ivory Coast"
64th session of the Professional Agricultural Workers Conference (PAWC)-Meeting the challenges to sustainable growth and development of rural communities, Tuskegee/Alabama, USA, December 3rd to 5th 2006
Master’s degree in Public Administration, 2014, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, NJ, USA
Thesis: Creation of a Non-profit Organization
GPA 3.81
Post Graduate degree in Rural Sociology, 2000, University of Cocody-Abidjan, Ivory-Coast
Thesis: The issue of improper waste management in Abidjan's food markets
Master’s degree in Rural Sociology, 1993, University of Cocody-Abidjan, Ivory-Coast
Thesis: Impact of Soybean on the food habits of the population in Touba
Bachelor’s degree in Sociology, 1992, University of Cocody-Abidjan, Ivory-Coast
Common Cents: A Fiscal Policies and Procedures Clinic
December 16-17, 2008, New York, USA
Gender, Organizational Change, Agriculture and Leadership, Wageningen (The Netherlands)
January 13rd to February 2nd 2002
Training of trainers in Gender and Development, Goree Institute, Dakar/Senegal
October 29th 2000 to November 10th 2000
Agriculture and Rural Economic Development, North Carolina A&T State University/USA (Cochran Fellowship Program of USDA)
September 20th to October 16th 1999
Community Development and Management of Profitable Projects, International Training Golda Meir Center, Mount Carmel in Haifa, Israel, May 18-July 10, 1997